
  • Karen Patton


    Hometown: Chi-town! The Windy City

    Favorite place to hang out: Home

    Choose a movie title for the story of your life: Legally Blonde

    Strangest phobia: Balloons

    Chocolate or Vanilla: Vanilla

    Song most likely to belt out in the shower: Journey, Don't Stop Believin'

    Favorite Yoga Pose: Dancer

    Something nobody knows about you: I'm a real blonde

    Who is your hero: My brother. He is truly the best person on this earth!

  • David Melton


    Hometown: Birmingham, AL

    Favorite place to hang out: My backyard

    Choose a movie title for the story of your life: Life is Beautiful

    Strangest phobia: Used band-aids and identical twins

    Chocolate or Vanilla: Chocolate

    Song most likely to belt out in the shower: You Never Even Call Me By My Name (last verse)

    Favorite Yoga Pose: Legs up the wall

    Something nobody knows about you: That I often wonder if we are in the Matrix, and if any of this is real

    Who is your hero: Owen Meany

  • Alena Levine


    Hometown: Prague (Czech Republic)

    Favorite place to hang out: Nature trails along the Chattahoochee River

    Choose a movie title for the story of your life: Overcomer

    Strangest phobia: Claustrophobia

    Chocolate or Vanilla: Chocolate

    Song most likely to belt out in the shower: 'Forever' by Chris Brown

    Favorite Yoga Pose: Goddess Pose

    Something nobody knows about you: I have performed all around Europe as part of dancing tours and participated in a Prague dance marathon at age 15, one of the youngest participants.

    Who are your heroes: my daughter and my son (my biggest teachers)

  • Emma Uvena

    E-RYT 200 INSTRUCTOR and Y12SR (Yoga Support Recovery)

    Hometown: Sydney, Australia

    Favorite place to hang out: On the lake

    Choose a movie title for the story of your life: Plot Twist

    Strangest phobia: Coming back to life as a snail and getting stepped on

    Chocolate or Vanilla: Chocolate

    Song most likely to belt out in the shower: Break My Stride

    Favorite Yoga Pose: Savasana

    Something nobody knows about you: I’m an open book

    Who is your hero: My daughters

  • Steve Goss


    Hometown: Buffalo, NY

    Favorite place to hang out: My office in the English Building at Kennesaw State University

    Choose a movie title for the story of your life: A Steve for All Seasons

    Strangest phobia: Fear of a pizza shortage

    Chocolate or Vanilla: Chocolate/Vanilla twist

    Song most likely to belt out in the shower: Ingrid Bergman by Billy Bragg

    Favorite Yoga Pose: Mountain Pose

    Something nobody knows about you: Before I started practicing yoga, I needed a handicap tag

  • Paula Coplon


    Hometown: Oceanside, New York

    Favorite place to hang out in the Atlanta area: East Cobb Park with my grandson

    Movie title for the story of your life: The Best Years of Our Lives

    Strangest phobia: Not strange, but I dislike elevators and airplanes. Clostrophobia gets me.

    Chocolate or Vanilla: Swirl

    Song most likely to belt out in the shower: Jack and Diane by John Mellencamp

    Favorite yoga pose: It changes , but right now it is Dragonfly

    Something interesting that people don’t know about you: I am a total Potterhead. Ask me about my Harry Potter bookcase quilt!

    Who is your hero: My daughter. She is such an incredible, mother, daughter and veterinarian. She does it all and still finds time to workout, do yoga and run marathons. Above all else, she is kind and compassionate.

  • Liz Brown


    Hometown: Natick, MA

    Favorite place to hang out: Besides Peach Out Power Yoga? Moxie Burger or the Chattahoochee River at Sope Creek

    Choose a movie title for the story of your life: Life Is Beautiful

    Strangest phobia: Walking into a spider web

    Chocolate or Vanilla: Both

    Song most likely to belt out in the shower: Simply the Best

    Favorite Yoga Pose: Feet up the Wall

    Something nobody knows about you: I was a competitive figure skater and was on a team that won nationals.

    Who is your hero: My nana

  • Tori Kerr


    Hometown: Annapolis, MD

    Favorite place to hang out: My house! I LOVE to entertain!

    Choose a movie title for the story of your life: “Brave Heart: A Journey to Self-Acceptance”

    Strangest phobia: Fear of being arrested for a crime I didn’t commit.

    Chocolate or Vanilla: I like both but if I had to pick one cupcake flavor for the rest of my life, it would be…….Vanilla.

    Song most likely to belt out in the shower: Alive by Sia or Shake It Out by Florence and the Machine

    Favorite Yoga Pose: Crescent Warrior!

    Something nobody knows about you: I’m the youngest of 7 children; my mother and father were 46 and 57 years old, respectively, when I was born. I had an interesting childhood!

    Who is your hero: My mom, a fighter to the end.

  • Sharene Cleveland


    Hometown: I’m a GA native born in Atlanta and grew up in Cherokee County

    Favorite place to hang out: Outside - Azalea Park at the Chattahoochee and Inside - of course Peach Out!

    Choose a movie title for the story of your life: “Life is like a box of chocolates” - Forrest Gump

    Strangest phobia: Fear of heights and falling down stairs

    Chocolate or Vanilla: Definitely chocolate!

    Song most likely to belt out in the shower: Love Shack by The B-52’s (from Athens, GA…GO DAWGS!!!)

    Favorite Yoga Pose: Dancer

    Something nobody knows about you: I don’t have a middle name

    Who is your hero: My mom

  • Kelly Marcuzzi


    Hometown: Vienna, Virginia. Just outside Washington DC

    Favorite place to hang out: Leita Thompson park. Or my back porch.

    Choose a movie title for the story of your life: The Book of Joy

    Strangest phobia: Running past construction sites using nail guns or driving behind auto transport Trucks

    Chocolate or Vanilla: Yes please

    Song most likely to belt out in the shower: Shut up and dance

    Favorite Yoga Pose: Half moon

    Something nobody knows about you: I met my Australian husband at a youth hostel outside the Grand Canyon. We will celebrate 25 years of marriage in August 2021.

    Who are your hero: My parents. Who absolutely slay life.

  • Cindy Getty


    Hometown: Albany, NY

    Favorite place to hang out in Atlanta: Any place with flowers

    Choose a movie title for the story of your life: The Road Less Travelled

    Strangest phobia: Being constrained

    Chocolate or Vanilla: Definitely Chocolate

    Song most likely to belt out in the shower: Into The Mystic

    Favorite Yoga Pose: Half Moon

    Something nobody knows about you: I have a Ph.D. In Chemistry

    Who is your hero: my Dad

  • Meredith Minano


    Hometown: Alma, Michigan (middle of the mitten)

    Favorite place to hang out: Out on the lake

    Choose a movie title for the story of your life: I Love You to Death

    Strangest phobia: It’s not strange, but my phobia is most definitely cockroaches (so gross!)

    Chocolate or Vanilla: All of the above!

    Song most likely to belt out in the shower: Mr. Brightside by The Killers

    Favorite Yoga Pose: This changes for me, but right now it is Dancer.

    Something nobody knows about you: I lived in a fraternity house for 4 months in college.

    Who is your hero: My love, Greg